Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Key Features
2. Getting Started
2.1 For Users
2.2 For Vendors
3. Blockchain and Crypto Payments
3.1 Supported Cryptocurrencies
3.2 Setting Up Your Wallet
3.3 Transaction Process
3.4 Future Crypto Features
4. Platform Expansion Plans
4.1 Evolving Beyond Apparel
4.2 AI and Crypto in the Expanded Marketplace
5. User Guides
5.1 Custom Design Workflow
5.2 Order Placement and Tracking
5.3 FAQs
6. Legal and Security
6.1 Terms of Service
6.2 Privacy Policy
6.3 Crypto Security and Safety
7. Roadmap
7.1 Short-Term Goals
7.2 Long-Term Vision
8. F.A.Qs
Last updated